Hanging Rock.
Bendigo inner city.
Chinese dragon.
Chinese museum.
31 March. There are a lot of antique shops here which
Susan likes. I am more interested in the buildings. Visited the Chinese
museum. The Chinese made a significant contribution during the gold rush
years, 1850s. And there is still a large Chinese community here. We stay
in Bendigo for a while because I wanted the bus registered in Victoria
which has several advantages and we have to pick up the mail which did not
arrive on time and everything is closed for four days because of the
Easter festivities. But we did get the bus registered in Victoria. It
looks funny with a picture from Queensland on the back and a Victorian
number plate. Luckily there are heaps of things to do over the four days.
We are staying in the showground of Bendigo for a week. The main feature
is a 2 hour procession, but was a bit of a disappointment, the Chinese
were very impressive with their very acrobatic and entertaining displays.
As it turned out Ineke de Rijke was still in Bendigo. "We thought she had
gone to Horsham" She had dinner with us in the caravan park.
6 April. The mail arrived and after that we went to the R.S.L. for lunch
with the Dutch club. In the afternoon we drove towards Albury. Passed
through Rutherglen. In the region they produce Morris port.This is the one
we have in the bus. The road is as flat as in Holland which is a bit of a
change from what we have done the last two month. From Albury we followed
the Murray River again. I love this part of the river. A very winding road
and magnificent views. We spend the night beside the river and crossed the
Victoria and NSW border at Walwa. Now the road got very hilly again. And
when you see signs slippery when snow and ice. Also the leaves are getting
the Autumn colours again. This means it is time to head north. Had lunch
in Tumut. From here a shortcut to Canberra. This takes us trough
Brindabella. The first 50 Km is a good sealed road primarily because there
is a lot of plantation pine here and the logging trucks need a good road.
At the start of the road it said already that is was not suitable for
caravans and 50 Km was unsealed. The unsealed section is very windy and
narrow but the surface is not too bad. We spend the night in the bush
This sign put Rutherglen on the map.
View of the Murray river from the bus .
9 April. Next morning to Canberra and Ria van der Zand.
When we arrived in Canberra after driving an hour over a fairly rough road
we spend 4 Hours in the war museum. Arrived at Ria's place in the
afternoon. Ria was as usual very hospitable. She drove us all over the
place. We visited Hans and Nelda van der Zand and Maarten and Norma Black. |
We intended to stay only for one night but stayed for
View from the war memorial towards parliament house.
Susan and Ria.
Black, Schimmel family.
12 April. Left for Sydney. It was bitterly cold and a lot
of trees are showing their autumn colours. Luckily it warmed up towards
Sydney. normally we stay away from here but I wanted to buy a stone guard
for the bus and the manufacturer is in Sydney. We got there fairly late in
the afternoon but a new guard was made the next morning and were on the
road again. The roads around Sydney are narrow and a fair bit of traffic
but we got through. The freeway to Newcastle was busy and we got off at
Gosford to follow a more interesting coastal road. The school holidays
just started and all the parks have families enjoying themselves
everywhere. Stopped for lunch at The Entrance. From here the Thunderbolt
way. Gloucester, Walcha, Uralla. The road had very steep sections in it
but the upside of this is that the views were magnificent. We are only
doing about 300KM a day but it takes us from 9AM to 4PM with little
sightseeing. We have never travelled this fast but we have to be back in a
week. |
14 April. We have travelled the New England Highway
several times now but some places like Glen Innes are worth walking
through several times. Glen Innes must be the Art Deco capital of
Australia as far as buildings is concerned.
Continued through Tenterfield, Stantorpe, Warwick to Toowoomba. Just north
is a German clock shop. Hundreds of cuckoo clocks from $300 to $2500. All
types of clocks sold here it is like a museum.
German clock shop.
Nikaela, Luke and Susan in Thai restaurant.
16 April. We back in Queensland. From Toowoomba followed
the Burnett highway via Nanango, Gayndah, Mundubbera, Monto, Biloela,
Mount Morgan, Razorback road, Rockhampton to Malborough. This was nearly
800 KM in two days. Spend the night behind the pub in Malborough. The show
was on but just winding up as we drove in. Fireworks at night.
18 April. Arrived in Mackay at lunchtime. They have markets in town on a
Sunday but they were just finished when we walked through. Arrived at Luke
and Nikaela. Went out to a Thai restaurant. The meal and service was
exellent. Whenever you go to Mackay go to the Hot Wog. Luke had planned
to go fishing the next day but the weather did not cooperate. We drove
south to Bowen. We had planned to stay here for the night and go home the
next day but the it rained and was miserable. So we decided to drive home.
We got home Sunday 19 April at 4.45 PM.
Bowen foreshore. Our last meal on the road this holiday. This is where
we stopped on the first day.
KM Travelled: 11380
Fuel used: 2080 L - 5.5Km/L
Total Cost of fuel: $2661 Cheapest fuel: Bendigo $1.21 Most expensive:
Georgetown $1.32
Days on the road: 105
Mechanical breakdown: Nil |