12 May. After a few more adjustments to the airbags we are on the way
east again. A few years ago we had a marvellous few days at Boundary
Bend. That time the weather was good and the river level high. This
time cold and the river very low. We also heard that the water had too
much algae in it, not that we had any intention to go for a swim. On
the way we bumped in to a couple we know from the motorhome club in
Townsville. Next day even colder and we have the heater on in the bus
and Susan is wearing gloves.
Bend. Old paddle steamers don't
die, they just get stranded in a pond.
14 May. Echuka. The old jetty
precinct is made in to a tourist attraction. If you want to see paddle
steamers this is the place to go to. All the way upstream from Mildura
the water level is very low. We camp beside the Murray every night now
and the low level is really noticeable. From Echuka east it is as if
we are driving through Holland. Flat, dark green grass, irrigation
channels full of water and Friesian cows. No windmills or churches in
the background and the Eucalyptus trees are a bit of a giveaway too.
The weather is Dutch. Cold and it is just about to rain. 16 May.
Wangaratta. When we were in a rally in WA we met a Dutch couple we
clicked with and we visited them here. We had a very pleasant two
days. Went out for dinner with more Dutchies and played bush rummy.
The second night got a bit cold, 4 degrees in the bus. That day we
bought a gas heater. We are heading for ski country and it is just
before the season. But you don't realise how cold it can get till you
are in it. 18 May. Via Bright we went to Mount Beauty. The trees
display fabulous colours. Spend the night besides a lake with a view
over the mountains.
wharf. The sandbar should have been at least 1 M under water. Bill and Phil.
Mount Beauty. View from our camp site.
Overlooking-Mount-Cosciuszko with the Murray river in foreground.
19 May. Heading north towards
Albury and Wodonga. It is a misty morning and the views with the
mountains in the background are fantastic. We spend a few hours in
Albury and Wodonga and head east following the Murray. Camped beside
the Hume dam. 20 May. Still following the Murray it is called the
Upper Murray now because we are getting closer to the origins of it
which is the Kosciuszko National Park. The drive is certainly worth
the detour. On the way we also saw three wombats but they all had
their legs sticking up in the air. The photo is of the largest one we
saw. We are heading for higher ground. Second gear and 15 KH. It is
also getting a lot colder. Found a camping spot beside Tooma Dam. On
the way up here there is a bit of snow beside the road.
Plenty of road kill in here. Parliament House Canberra
21 May. Spend the day driving
around the Snowy Mountains and spend the night near Cooma. 22May.
Arrived in Canberra and the Parliament House. Made a booking for
question time on Monday. This was exactly as I expected a lot of
children who can speak well without saying much and a lot of noise.
These are our leaders!! We should not be complaining too much, as we
still have our Dutch passport. We stayed with Ria van der Zandt. A
comfortable warm hospitable house. We had a wonderful time here. Susan
cooked a meal for Ria, Norma and Martin Black on Sunday. She had not
seen this much family together in Australia for a long time.
26 May. Left Canberra late in the afternoon after visiting the Museum
and Portrait gallery. 26 may. Not as cold as we expected but rain and
mist. The first 20 KM we drove already two car accidents on the road.
Ria and Susan in
Norma and Martin Black
28 May. It is getting very
cold and rainy. Every morning thick mist. Finally in Bathurst and the
V8 track. Last time the road was closed but this time we drove the
circuit in both directions. It is very steep in sections and very
sharp bends which is difficult to see on the TV, but the bus had
difficulties getting uphill. We spend the night beside a lake near
Lithgow. 29 May we took the scenic route to the coast via Windsor and
Wiseman's ferry. It was a pity that it was cold and rainy because the
scenery is wonderful. We decided to take the coast route home because
the temperature along the coast will be more favourable. We can expect
a lot more rain.
Bathurst. Mount Panorama Swansea
pelicans waiting for a feed. Swansea view from camp spot.
30 May. Gosford. Just drove
trough town and Susan did the washing. It is no fun walking through a
place when it is cold and raining. |
On to The Entrance. There are
a lot of lakes just behind the dunes and they have a narrow spot where
they are connected with the sea. This one called The Entrance. A
holiday destination with a lot of cafe's and restaurants. We camped at
a similar place, Swansea. On the way we had the heaviest downpour this
year. The pelicans are waiting there for the fishermen to return and
clean their fish so they can have the offcuts. Next day to Newcastle.
we could not remember anything about this place but it has a
spectacular coastline. The weather helped as well. Overcast but not
cold. Susan's birthday and we had difficulties finding a cafe' for a
cuppa but ended up in Mc Dondalds for a cappuccino. Could also do the
emails here. We met some people in West Australia half year ago and
gave them a ring when we were in Newcastle. They invited us for coffee
and we stayed for dinner. A very pleasant day was had and especially
for Susan's wedding. The orange boat belongs to a Dutch couple we had
coffee with.
Lemon Tree Passage. View from bus.
1 June. Followed the coast to
Pacific Palms. It rained off and on. We meandered slowly up the coast
taking all the scenic tracks. In Port Macquarrie we visited the spot
where we lost the roof of the previous bus. We drove on till 6PM in
the dark and rain, to a rest area and the next day to Casino. where we
met up with Jean and Ron Edwards which we have bumped in to several
times over the years. We visited them in W.A. The motorhome village is
getting bigger and bigger. Still only a small group for happy hour.
Most have left for a warmer part of Australia. On the way in Coffs
Harbour we went to a Dutch shop where they had a clog making
Coffs Harbour. Dutch shop. Bundaberg Rum
factory. Ron and Jean.
6 June. Left Casino and a very
winding road to Kyogle and Rathdowney to Aratula. Here we stayed with
Lenie and Rudie. They have a 500 acre property which is at the end of
a long small unsealed road but the view from their house is fantastic.
Next day we joined them for an Indonesian meal at the Dutch club. We
visited several friends in Brisbane. We are glad that we don't live in
Brisbane any more. The traffic is horrendous. They are working on the
roads everywhere. But it was great to catch up with old friends. 11
June From Brisbane north through Gympie to Bundaberg. Here we stayed
with Darryl and Barbara which we met in Banka Banka station at the
start of our trip and bumped in to several times along the way. We did
visit the Bundy rum factory and were tasting their wares already at
11AM. 13 June. In Rockhampton we visited Chris and Dough Whyer. They
used to live in Ingham while we were there and kept in contact. The
temperature is slowly improving. 15 June and arrive in Mackay. Luke
had a day off and is home all day. Good to see him again. After two
days in Mackay north towards Townsville. Spend one night in Home Hill.
We just came back from a Chinese restaurant when a car parked in front
of the bus and to our surprise Paul and Kristie drove 130 KM just to
see us a day earlier. 18 June. Visited some friends in Townsville and
spend the night with Paul and Kristie. 19 June and a weekend with the
Tropical coast wanderers. We started the trip with them in Fletcher
Creek. The holiday is over. On Monday we had the inspection of the
house and everything was spotless. Tuesday the container with all our
worldly possessions was delivered and with the help of Paul everything
was inside the house. All the contents of the container was in
perfect condition. It will take at least a week before everything is
in it's place.
Delivery of
Still a bit of arranging to do.
Only one day in the house
Only one week at home and away again for a week. Dam fine rally.
Till the next adventure.
Tasmania in 2010 |